Hi. I'm Gwen. I'm a professor of environmental policy in University of California, Davis's Department of Environmental Science and Policy. At UC Davis, I am affiliated with the Center for Environmental Policy and Behavior. I am also an affiliated faculty member at Indiana University's Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis.

In 2012 I graduated from Indiana University's public policy PhD, a joint degree program housed in the Department of Political Science and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. My advisor and commitee chair was Dr. Elinor Ostrom. To learn more about her amazing life, this video is a good place to start.

I enjoy teaching and take it seriously. Many students pay for their education with expensive loans and significant personal sacrifice. University instructors need to offer them educational opportunities commensurately valuable. I am proud to be the Lead Faculty Advisor for UC Davis's Environmental Policy, Analysis, and Planning major (and students are proud of EPAP! See this student-made video about the EPAP major here).

In my spare time I can be found swimming, biking, and hanging out with dogs at Homeward Bound. Don't hesitate to reach out if you like policy, dogs, or both: gbarnold@ucdavis.edu